Thrive as a HAI specialist.

Learn the tenets of Human-Centred AI, hone your skills in machine learning, computer vision, UI/UX, motion capture, with a broad application in the areas of the Factory of the Future, Autonomous Vehicles and the Cultural and Creative Industries.

AIMove Post Master’s Degree is looking for sharp minds from engineer graduates, computer scientists, mid to senior professionals to join the 21-22 integrated Human-Centred AI teamwork.

Prospective students are welcome to apply for the 2021-22 academic year through April 15th, 2021.

AIMove at a glance

Lead Institution :MINES ParisTech, PSL Université Paris

Partners: IRCAM Pompidou Centre (France) I  CERTH The Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (Greece) I MDP Maxon Motor France I HAAS Lawyers I EDF I Neurodatalab Emotion AI hub I Mocaplab Motion Capture Studios I Idiap Research Institute (Switzerland) l Goldsmiths University of London  l 

Date(s): Oct 1 2021 – Sept 30 2022

Registration Deadline: Apr 15, 2021

Location: 1- On campus w/ Live Virtual option (3 months), 2- Fully on-campus (3 months), 3- Internship’s location worldwide (6 months)

6 Modules, 21 courses, 400 teaching hours, Think-Tank, Summer School, conferences and more…

Each Course’s Length: 3-5 Days

Tuition Fees: €16, 800

ECTS: 75

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