‘AI & CCIs: innovation and challenges’ is a virtual and fast-track version of the GAIIA Think-Tank that envisions to bring a critical thinking towards the strategies of AI integration within the CCIs.
The aim is to leave the participants with a better understanding of how to embed AI in creative industries, assure sustainability and accessibility and what the career opportunities are in the CC industry sectors. In this view, a wide-ranging panel of experts from the creative sectors will share their perspectives and extensions to this scope.
- 5:00pm-5:10pm / Introduction to the topic
- 5:10pm-5:25pm / Dr. Rebecca Fiebrink — Reader, Creative Computing Institute – University of the Arts London:
‘How machine learning can support human creativity’
”Machine learning has the potential to transform work in the creative industries far beyond what is obvious from the ML technologies we already use in everyday life (e.g., recommendation algorithms on media streaming sites) and the ML technologies at the centre of current media hype (e.g., generative algorithms that allow computers to “autonomously” paint a portrait or write an essay). In this talk, I will describe some of the ways in which machine learning is changing human creative practices across a variety of fields, from assisting creators in exploring design spaces, automating portions of human workflows, enabling the creation of digital systems that better understand embodied and expert human practices, facilitating rapid prototyping, and making creation more accessible to novices. ”
- 5:25pm-5:40pm / Baptiste Caramiaux — CNRS-Sorbonne Université :
‘The use of Artificial Intelligence in the Cultural and Creative Sectors’
”AI builds on data that capture socio-cultural expressions represented by music, videos, images, text, and social interactions, and then makes predictions based on profoundly non-neutral and context-specific data. Culture therefore plays a central role in the use of AI at scale and needs to be addressed in the general discourse and public policies about AI, which has not systematically been the case so far. The Cultural and Creative Sectors are not among the priorities of numerous recent white papers and reports presenting policy options and recommendations on AI in society. In this talk, I will examine the role and impact of AI in the CCS, by presenting AI use-cases in CCS. I will highlight the various challenges in the creative value-chain, in ensuring cultural diversity, accessibility and discoverability in AI-mediated services, and finally the existing opportunities and those to be created to maintain a critical discourse on technology.”
- 5:40pm-5:55pm Short break
- 5:55pm-6:10pm – Jean Baptiste Labrune — Sciences Po Paris University, Radical Design Studio:
‘Beyond “Mechanically Extended Man” and “Artificial Intelligence” ‘
”In March 1960, J.C.R Licklider described Human-Computer Symbiosis as an expected development in cooperative interaction between men and electronic computers. He envisioned involving very close coupling between the human and the electronic members of the partnership. The main aims were 1) to let computers facilitate formulative thinking and creativity as they now facilitate the solution of formulated problems, and 2) to enable people and computers to cooperate in making decisions and controlling complex situations without inflexible dependence on predetermined programs, enhancing their agency. 60 years after, what are the concrete applications of this vision, especially in the creative and cultural domains, catalysed by the internet and the availability of pervasive powerful electronic hardware? We will examine in particular 3 real-word cases in the domain of Fashion (Electronic Textile), Museums and Live Music performance and see how they open new perspectives for creative and cultural industries.”
- 6:10pm-6:25pm / Philippe Pasquier — Associate Professor — SIAT, Simon Fraser University
‘The rise of Creative AI: from the Lab to the user/audience.’
”Creative AI is the subfield of AI focusing on the partial or complete automation of creative tasks. We will briefly introduce three types of applications of Creative AI systems: (1) Computer-assisted creativity (2) Embedded generation adaptive to the user experience, and (3), AI art. We will briefly illustrate each with concrete examples of systems from the Metacreation Lab. ”
- 6:25pm -6:45pm/ Round Table
- 6:45pm-7:00pm / Free time for interaction among participants (optional)
The event will be addressing the AIMove students of 2019-20 & 2020-21, as well as the open public of the related fields. Spots are limited and registration is required. A link for joining the virtual meeting will be extended upon registration.