Come and find out about AIMove ! Current students will be awaiting to answer your questions on  Saturday March 7, 2020. 

Where : MINES ParisTech – 60, boulevard Saint-Michel (10h-17h)


Your chance to discover the challenges ahead:

Open House Day is organised by the PSL University, so Mines ParisTech opens its doors and AIMove will be participating as one of the Post Master’s Degrees of the School.

A series of round tables are programmed in order to discover the challenges ahead. Among the programme of the day, do not miss to the round table :

“The University: ideal place for learning AI” at MINES ParisTech at 3.30 p.m.

Make a Tour

Discover the campus of MINES ParisTech, its charm and facilities, next to the vibrant gardens of Luxembourg

Open House Day 2019

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