Within the AIMove course Ethics and privacy by design, Dr. Mihalis Kritikos will give an open speech on Monday 14th October at 11CET in V119 of MINES ParisTech on:

The European Parliament and the governance of AI: challenges and opportunities

The session will focus on the initiatives of the European Parliament in the development of an EU governance framework in the field of AI. Special attention will be given to the process that led to the adoption of the 2 own-initiative resolutions and the main suggestions put forward for both the European Commission and the Member States. The session will focus on the ethical and legal aspects of the resolutions and the normative effects the latter have had upon the recent EU efforts for the governance of this disruptive technological sector. The session will discuss whether the pervasive, growing and transformative character of these technologies fit well with the established EU institutional and legal acquis.

Dr. Mihalis Kritikos is a Policy Analyst at the European Parliament working as a legal/ethics advisor on Science and Technology issues (STOA/EPRS) and Fellow of the Law Science Technology & Society Programme of the University of Brussels (VUB-LSTS).

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