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First year in AIMove: The teaser
The teaser of AIMove's first year is now online. It has been a gorgeous full-bodied year, and we can't wait for the next upcoming in October 2019. Watch, Enjoy & Share
2018-19 Students’ testimonials
What do the students of AIMove say about their experience? My name is Kevin Giroux, and I was software Engineer in Thales Services. During my various projects, I can get the requirement/feature of my client, and each time, they ask for more intelligent systems. But...
Think-Tank : How is Europe dealing with Human-Centred AI challenges ?
Le Mastère Spécialisé AIMove et l’association GAIIA ont le grand plaisir de vous inviter à la nouvelle édition du Think-Tank GAIIA (Gesture & AI in Industries & Arts), qui se tiendra le mardi 13 novembre, à 16h00, à MINES ParisTech. Cet événement important...
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