Every year, every semester, is brimming with a series of Think-Tanks organized as a vibrant exchange with professionals, discussing AI’s topicality, to which the public-at-large are invited.
Objectives of the course
– Students should emerge with a global picture of issues related to AI and movement in industry and art
– Meetings and exchanges between students and professionals/scientists in the field will be encouraged
– Development of students’ critical thinking skills
Detailed content of the course
The body and gesture play a crucial role in all human activity. From an early age humans develop sensory and motor skills through their interaction with the surrounding environment. We accumulate these experiences and enrich our abilities. Our body is transformed, allowing us to express ourselves, communicate and interact with others and with our environment. New technologies contribute to a deeper understanding of this interaction, through motion capture, gesture modelling, machine learning and analysis of artistic but also of technical gestures. This event aims to bring together gesture professionals, scientists, artists, ergonomists etc., to discuss the potential of synergies between art and industry. The goal is to identify the new uses of motion capture and their ‘embodiment’ in creative and industrial processes. During the think-tank, perspectives and suggestions for long-term research around human gesture will be determined and defined. Proceedings of the collegial discussions and the exchanges which take place will be drafted.
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