The Post-Master Programme AIMove “Artificial Intelligence and Movement in Industries and Creation“, MINES ParisTech, PSL Université Paris and ARMINES are pleased to invite you to a seminar on “Digital Technologies for Cultural Heritage in EU Horizon 2020 and beyond”. We have the honor to receive Mr. Albert Gauthier, Scientific Officer at the European Commission (DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology – Creativity Unit). Embodme, SpinOff MINES ParisTech, will do a live demonstration of its digital musical instrument, which has been initially funded by the FP7 EU project, “i-Treasures”.
Location: MINES ParisTech, 60 Boulevard Saint-Michel, 75006, Paris
Room: Vendôme
Date: 26th February 2019
Time slot: 09.45 – 12.30 CET
09.45 – 10.00 Welcome coffee
10.00 – 11.45 Presentation and discussion: “Digital Technologies for Cultural Heritage in EU Horizon 2020 and beyond“, Albert Gauthier, European Commission
11.45 – 12.30 Presentation and live demonstration: “The Embodme Digital Musical Instrument“, Embodme, SpinOff MINES ParisTech
This seminar is public and free of charge but the registration is mandatory (only 50 registrations).
The increasing occurrence of natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes, fires, and pollution can sometimes cause irreversible damage to cultural heritage sites and historical documents, or destroy entire areas together with the documents and monuments therein. Europe’s cultural heritage sites and many more historical documents, monuments and historic buildings across the Member States are in danger. Apart from losing our heritage, the culture and creative sectors, and related industries such as tourism and hospitality rely heavily on the appeal and conservation of cultural heritage sites, documents and monuments. Digital technology can help preserve the knowledge of threatened heritage artefacts, museums, monuments, documents and sites and make them accessible using AR/VR for citizens across Europe and for future generations. In addition, online access to high quality holistically documented digital replicas (including storytelling) of artefacts, sites, documents and monuments may increase the appeal and promotion of a place, city or Member State, thus supporting the local tourism and hospitality industries.
The seminar will include presentations of funding schemes in H2020, e.g. related Calls for Proposals, Research and Innovation Actions VS Innovation Actions, etc..